Specialized PhD in Neuroscience / BENEFRI

General information

The Specialized PhD in Neuroscience program is integrated into the course offered by both the Graduate School of Health Science (GHS) and Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences (GCB) including the BENEFRI program between the University of Bern and the University of Fribourg. The theoretical and practical teaching are organized in the Universities of Bern and Fribourg and include external international-standing lecturers from Swiss or European academic institutions.

The learning goals of the PhD program consist of (a) an in-depth understanding of traditional and long-standing notions in fundamental and clinical neuroscience; (b) a broad understanding of the changing landscape of neuroscience; (c) skills for coping with novel demands in the field for increased digitalization and ethical inclusion of new technologies such as artificial intelligence in neuroscience research.